Sunday, June 2, 2013

Need to turn that 145 pound freshman outside linebacker into an 180 pound middle linebacker?

I wrote this plan as a result of being very under sized at my last coaching stop.  The largest varsity offensive lineman weighed 217 at the end of the season.   None of these ideas or recipes are that original but wanted to put something together.  Through the course of the off season each lineman gained an average of 20 pounds.  I coach in Texas and am restricted about talking about supplements.  If not I would just tell them to consume copious amounts of Whey protein and take Creatine-Monohydrate(I know all of you google doctors out their say it causes everything from cramps to shingles. Its been around for 20 years and people are still taking it and you can choke it down unlike some of the stuff I use to take like Hot Stuff and Soy Protein yuck!) So instead of telling an athlete in the weight room he needs to get bigger then walk away and let the minimum wage worker at the local GNC or the Roid Monkey at the Gym tell him what to do I came up with and stole these suggestions and recipes: 

This is the NSCA's  Position Stand on Androgen and Human Growth Hormone Use:

Article as PDF. 

7 Simple Rules

1. Eat big – Eat every 2 hours. If you are serious about putting on size, you have to
be serious about getting a continuous supply of nutrients into your body.
2. Take in plenty of high quality proteins and carbohydrates – Don’t mistake bulking
up for an excuse to eat all kinds of junk. It is fine if you have a treat every day or
two, but the majority of your food should be high-quality proteins like poultry,
fish, eggs, and lean red meat; complex carbohydrates like potatoes, yams, rice and
oatmeal; and fibrous carbohydrates, which are raw vegetables.
3. Have a shake after every training session – Training depletes your body of protein
and glycogen, so the perfect time to put nutrients back and speed up your
recovery is immediately after training.
4. Rest big - Get plenty of sleep – The added stress of heavy training along with the
pressures of school and family can tax your recovery abilities. To combat this you
need to sleep as much as possible, at least eight hours a day.
5. Don’t get fat – Yes, the objective is to put on weight, and yes, you’ll gain a little
fat along with the muscle, but the key word here is “little”.
6. Give yourself time to gain weight – Gaining muscular weight is a slow process.
Five pounds a month is a reasonable amount of weight gain when you are in the
full-blown bulk-up phase. Little gains quickly add up to huge gains. A body
weight of 225lbs can be 240lbs in 3 months, with a minimum gain in % body fat.
7. Your weekly goal is to gain 1 pound a week.

Homemade weight-gainer

3 cups whole milk 450 calories
3 whole eggs 250 calories
1 cup vanilla ice cream 270 calories
2 bananas 210 calories
1 cup nonfat powdered milk 430 calories
This makes a high-powered protein drink that packs a good 1,600 calories. If you were to drink two of these a day in combination with three wholesome meals, you could really add some decent size.

Banana Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal
It doesn't get any better then this.  This is as fast and easy as it gets, and it tastes amazing.  Below is a big serving for one meal, cut back on some ingredients if necessary.
1 cup plain oats        
1/2 banana                   
1/4 cup plain or vanilla yogurt  
1/2 cup whole milk                       
2 tbsp dark chocolate chunks or chocolate chips
Place the oats into a bowl, and add milk and yogurt and mix.
Continue to stir while adding chocolate chips and sunflower seeds.
Nutritional Information
Calories (Per Serving):  855
Protein:  36 Grams
Carbohydrates:  133 Grams
Fat:  23 Grams
Carb - Protein - Fat% Ratio:  62% - 17% - 21%

Banana Berry Blast
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries (or plain blue berries, strawberries or
1/2 banana
1/4 cup oats
1/4 cup Yogurt
1 cup whole milk (soy, rice or skimmed milk work as well)
1 Carnation Instant Breakfast.
1 tsp honey
This one is pretty simple, you can pretty much just dump everything in to your blender and mix.  I like to heat the frozen berries in the microwave for about 20 seconds before I mix so that the shake isn't too thick.
*If you do not use whole milk, add a table spoon of extra virgin olive oil or flax oil to the shake.Nutritional Information
Calories (Per Serving):  625
Protein:  37 Grams
Carbohydrates:  70 Grams
Fat:  13 Grams
Carb - Protein - Fat% Ratio:  45% - 24% - 19%

Banana Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal
It doesn't get any better then this.  This is as fast and easy as it gets, and it tastes amazing.  Below is a big serving for one meal, cut back on some ingredients if necessary.
1 cup plain oats        
1/2 banana                   
1/4 cup plain or vanilla yogurt  
1/2 cup whole milk                       
2 tbsp dark chocolate chunks or chocolate chips
Place the oats into a bowl, and add milk and yogurt and mix.
Continue to stir while adding chocolate chips and Banana .
Nutritional Information
Calories (Per Serving):  855
Protein:  36 Grams
Carbohydrates:  133 Grams
Fat:  23 Grams
Carb - Protein - Fat% Ratio:  62% - 17% - 21%

Egg Nog
2 eggs, beaten
3 tablespoons sugar
2 1/3 cups whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 dash ground nutmeg
Blend together eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla and nutmeg. Serve chilled.

2 Packets of Carnation instant Breakfast
1 cup oats
500mL milk
2 tbsps peanut butter
2 tbsps olive oil

1100 calories.

Banana Bread Shake
2 Carnation Instant Breakfast
1 Banana
1/2 cup Quaker Oatmeal (cook with boiling water)
3/4 cup Kellogg’s Bran Flakes 
1 bottle of water

Easy to Add Calorie Meals/Snacks 

1 Peanut and Butter Jelly Sandwich  300 calories
1 tuna fish sandwich 411 calories
Coconut milk 552
1 slice Little Ceasar’s Pizza Cheese 200 calories
1 subway Sandwich 988 calories
1 cup of Cottage Cheese 180 calories
McDonalds Dollar Menu
Sausage Biscuit 430 calories
Sausage McMuffin 370 calories
Hash Browns 150 calories
Sausage Burrito 300 calories
McDouble 390 Calories
Hot and Spicy 360 Calories
Big Breakfast with Hotcakes 1090 Calories

How to Gain Weight

Basic Concepts

1. There are two ways to gain body weight:
a. Consume more calories than you burn off (diet)
b. Burn off less calories than you consume (exercise)
2. To gain weight, you have to take in more calories than your body burns up during exercise.
3. A pound of bodyweight equals 3500 calories. So, in order to gain a pound, you need to eat 3500 calories more than your body uses.
4. Realistically, you can gain about one or two pounds in a week if you consume 500 to 1000 extra calories every day.
5. Eat at least 3 balanced meals a day, preferably 5 meals a day.
6. Eat daily servings from the 4 basic food groups:
a. Grain products – 4 servings
b. Fruit and vegetables – 4 servings
c. Dairy products – 3 servings
d. Meat, poultry and fish – 2 servings
Notice that 8 servings coming from grain products and fruits and vegetables allows for most of the increased calorie intake to come from carbohydrates.
7. Eat larger portions at meals.
8. Have snacks between meals that are high calorie, and also rich in nutrients such as:
a. Nuts
b. Dried fruits
c. Shakes and malts
d. Cheese
e. Sandwiches
f. Pizza
9. Avoid snacks between meals that are high in calories, but low in nutrients. If you do eat them, do not substitute them for nutrient rich foods. Some high calorie, low nutrient foods are:
a. Soft drinks
b. Cakes, pies, cookies
c. Salty snack foods
d. Jams, jellies, syrups
e. Doughnuts, sweet rolls
10. Eat a quality breakfast.
11. Keep regular hours with plenty of rest.
12. Eat a sandwich before going to bed.
13. Never miss a weight training workout, because the weight you do gain needs to be lean muscle mass.

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