Saturday, February 1, 2014

An Old School Answer to a New School Problem

This past season we ran the Zone Read and Counter Read with the Triple option.  Which was effective to a point when people started to gap exchange it did create some problems for us. especially with the Zone.  We would have the Defensive End who chased down back and the Linebacker would just stand there our Zone and he would end up stacked up with the defensive end because of the horizontal movement of our offensive line. Also the Pitch key would blitz making it a really short pull and pitch.  Texas Tech Defensive Coordinator Matt Wallerstedt breaks down the film of what opponents started to do with us.

Our counter out of the pistol looks like this:

Our Jacks Formation everybody does the same exact job just from different positions. Our H and B Backs are aligned in B Gap two yards from the heals of the offensive linemen.  

As you can see we keep it simple but complex to Defensive Coordinators I am stealing this idea from Gus Malzahn of Auburn who is an ex wing-t guy and was taken from one of the greatest coaches of all time Vince Lombardi.  


Nothing changes for our 8 of our players the Offensive Line and A Back is still running Counter. The X and Y are still running their Routes.  
The H is Buck  "Buck is he kicks out the defense's force player."
The B is Packer "Packer runs flat across the center then sickles around getting shoulder pads vertical blocks linebacker to safety."  
QB Opens Up to the Left reads the DE is he chases the QB is pulling and replace and runs the ball in the alley.  
So basically the H and the B are running buck sweep if they were the guards if the Quarterback gets a pull read.  

Putting it all together it should look like this:

In conclusion be a great answer to Defensive Coordinators who Gap Exchange and bring their Force Defender off the Edge. Also linebackers are going to have Offensive linemen pulling in front of them going one way and backs pulling across the other way that action will slow down their reads. I